Intro to

Problem solving and

Programming in Python

(use the Space key to navigate through all slides)

Prof. Andrea Gallegati

( )

CIS 1051 - Temple Rome

Interfaces Design

The Turtle Module

To check whether you have this module:

open the Python interpreter and type

>>> import turtle
>>> bob = turtle.Turtle()

... and a new window should pop-up!

A small arrow represents the "turtle".

Of course, this won't happen on a Dockerized environment

...cause there's no $DISPLAY at all :)

There, import an equivalent module:

>>> from svg_turtle import SvgTurtle

... that will do the job!

or keep following this class clicking here below!

Open In Colab

this opens a new tab to redirect you towards an interactive version of this class

Open In Colab

then click on the play button of each code block.

>>> import turtle
>>> bob = turtle.Turtle()
>>> print(bob)
<turtle.Turtle object at 0xb7bfbf4c>
  • the turtle module (lowercase t)
  • provides a function called Turtle (uppercase T)
  • that creates a Turtle object
  • which we assign to a variable named bob
>>> import turtle
>>> bob = turtle.Turtle()
>>> print(bob)
<turtle.Turtle object at 0xb7bfbf4c>

printing bob displays that it refers to an object of Turtle type.

Once created, some methods move the Turtle around.

>>> bob.fd(100) # move bob forward, by 100 pixels

... a method is a function, with slightly different syntax.

a method is associated with an object (turtle).

>>> bob.fd(100) # move bob forward, by 100 pixels

it is asking: bob, move forward!

Other methods are:
>>> bob.bk(100) # move backward
>>> # turn left by an angle (in degrees)
>>> bob.rt(90) # turn right by an angle (in degrees)

Each Turtle holds a pen, which is either

>>> bob.pu() # pen up
>>> bob.pd() # pen down

to leave a trail when moving the turtle.

To draw a right angle

import turtle

bob = turtle.Turtle()



put this code into a file named

... right after bob, but before the mainloop:

mainloop waits for user input, e.g. close the window.

Let's modify this program to draw a square!

... the easiest way to go would be

bob.fd(100) ;   # 1st side
bob.fd(100) ;   # 2nd side
bob.fd(100) ;   # 3rd side
bob.fd(100)                # last side

Simple Repetition

or more concisely with a ...

for statement

for i in range(4):
    print('Hello!') # much simpler!

with a similar syntax to functions

for statement

  • header — with an ending colon
  • body — indented statements (any number)

it's essentially a loop

Open In Colab

... the flow of execution runs through the body and then loops back to the top.

Here we draw a square with a loop:

for i in range(4):

add it to and try it out!

note, the extra turn it takes:

this simplifies the code since we do the same thing every time through the loop!

the original for statement can be re-written as follows:

for _ in range(4):
print('Hello!') # much simpler!

without the iterator